Shankhamul, Kathmandu, Nepal
01-4791239 , 9851001728, 9851100448
We Provide
Our Staffs Cleaning a Corporate Tower with Rope Access Technology
1. Dust Residue and allergens
One of the leading cause behind the common cold, and flu or some other respiratory sickness is the impact of dust residue and allergens coming from windows.
You may especially suffer from cold, bothersome eyes, and a draining nose in the event that you sit close to dirty windows.
It is imperative that you consistently get your window cleaned so all the residue and allergen is eradicated.
2. Get rid of the persistent dust which is hard to remove
Regularly the corners of the windows have dirt that is obstinate since it has been gathered for quite a long time.
You may clean your window consistently yet there are a few spots that you miss since it is the most unusual spot for the dirt to collect.
This dirt may cause various microscopic organisms spread which is unsafe to your body eventually. You should get your windows cleaned by an expert consistently to eliminate this difficulty dirts.
3. Wellbeing and cleanliness
Homes, especially with babies and pets, need an undeniable degree of cleanliness cine they are inclined to get sick because of allergens and dirt.
In this manner when you choose to do home cleaning, elect window cleaning since it is the wellspring of air. To dodge unsafe diseases to assume control over your home or office, you need standard window cleaning.
4. Appearance
A grimy window shows that you couldn’t care less about your home or your office. Customers or family members perhaps sickened by the situation with your windows.
In this way, to stay aware of the presence of your lovely homes and workplaces, it is important to get the windows cleaned.
This is why you need outdoor window and glass cleaning services today.
1. Quicker
Regardless of whether you feel that you can clean the windows yourself, a great deal of your time will be squandered on it since your hands are not used to doing the work.
In any case, our staff has insight into accomplishing such work for a long time so they accomplish the work in a fraction of the time that you would take to finish it.
We offer the quickest window cleaning services inside Kathmandu Valley.
2. Cost Efficient
We offer very affordable pricing plans for outdoor window and glass cleaning services. You don’t need to worry about the quality of our services as well.
3. Simpler and Easier
Recruiting an expert organization like Facility Services can remove the genuine difficult work of climbing, reach, stretch, wipe and do different activities. Just let the experts deal with this work! Employing an expert like us to complete the hard manual work will likewise definitely lessen pressure.
4. More secure and safe.
On the off chance that you don’t have the habit of cleaning windows or doing rigorous physically exhausting work, or assuming you have an office with enormous windows, the best you sort for our assistance and our service.
Climbing a great height without safety can be really deadly and dangerous. So if and until you are an expert at such sort of cleaning work, you can leave it to us to deal with the windows at your office or house.
We use rope access technology to do the work without having the conceivable peril of falling.
5. We are ISO 9001:2005 Certified Company
So give us a call today if you want outdoor window and glass cleaning services at +9779851001728 or +977-01-4791239.
We are a pioneer commercial and janitorial cleaning service provider in Nepal. We have decades of trust from thousands of clients in providing 100% quality services to glow your home, office and corporate premises. Clean living & working space means healthy thoughts and positive growth.
Shankhamul, Kathmandu, Nepal
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